Invitation to Local Government to Cooperate on Participatory Budget Implementation
Cities and amalgamated communities of Kharkiv, Dnipro and Zaporizhzhya regions are invited to take part in the project “Participatory Budget Implementation Support” executed by Polish-Ukrainian Cooperation Foundation PAUCI within the Project “Support for Amalgamated Communities of Ukraine due to the Increase of Internally Displaced Persons (IDP)” being one of the initiatives of infrastructure program for Ukraine and being executed by German Federal Company Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH on behalf of the German government. Initiatives are to support the regions hosting the largest number of IDPs, namely: Kharkiv, Dnipro and Zaporizhzhya.
The Project will be implemented within 2018-2019 and stipulates the participation of the cities and amalgamated communities planning to implement or already implementing Participatory Budget (PB). The activity is planned to be started in February 2018.
This Project stipulates the following:
Workshops, trainings on PB implementation standards;
- Citywide forums on community development priorities and PB projects preparation;
- Training the local moderators who will have meetings in place with the residents;
- Consulting on different PB development stages;
- Study-tour to Poland;
- Financial support for awareness raising campaign.
The project implementation shall result in following: increasing the residents’ awareness on local self-government structure, its authorities and the process of local budget forming; encouraging residents to participate in PB projects and local government decision making; improving the infrastructure and social dimension by means of the PB projects implemented.
The Project Experts are Polish, Georgian, Ukrainian PB Practitioners practically experienced in PB introduction in the cities of Ukraine. They are authors of publications on PB matters; moderators and facilitators of the trainings on PB implementation and improvement.
Should be of interest to participate in the Project, please submit the mail signed by the Head of the Local Government stating the motivation and the application form, download here, filled in. The mail and application to be submitted no later than 23:59 February, 9, 2018 via pauci.pb@gmail.com .
Ten cities and communities will be invited to participate in the Project, see PAUCI Foundation website: http://www.pauci.org . Cooperation within the Project stipulates the premises to have events in to be provided by the local authorities.
For the details contact Chief Expert of the Project, Leonid Donos (Cell. +380507733798).
Participatory Budget Development in Ukraine
Participatory Budget (PB) is a tool for the authority and community to cooperate, democratic process of discussing and decision making on allocating the certain amount of the local budget by the residents to implement the projects.
The main PB stages are as follows:
PB process monitoring, assessment and improvement.
- Preparation (issue of legal regulations on PB introduction and implementation);
- Awareness raising;
- Discussing the community development priorities; projects preparation and submission;
- Projects review by the local authorities, involving the project authors;
- Selection of the projects to be implemented (voting, consensus);
- Projects implementation;
- Second Forum of PB Practitioners “Public Budgets from A to Z” (data, pictures, video, notes of the participant) http://pbtime.tilda.ws/
- Participatory Budget. Analytical Report http://www.pauci.org/upload/files/Participatory_Budget_Dec2016.pdf
- PB process standards of Poland http://www.pauci.org/upload/files/standardy_budzetow_wydanie%20II-3.pdf
- PB Facebook group / Participatorybudget https://www.facebook.com/groups/1580110595644887/
- PAUCI Foundation news http://www.pauci.org/news