Foundation PAUCI has organized 2 studying visits to Poland for residents of Kharkiv Business-Incubator

Foundation PAUCI has organized 2 studying visits to Poland for residents of Kharkiv Business-Incubator


In frame of the Project “Business-Incubator for students, teachers and entrepreneurs” that is realized by Foundation PAUCI have realized 2 studying visits to Poland for entrepreneurs-residents of the incubator in October and November, 2014.

Since 15 till 22 of October the first professional visit of management and residents of business-incubator to Poland held for learning practice of adjacent business and experience of business-incubators` work. During the visit there were organized professional meetings and introduction of adjacent activity spheres in Katovice, Poznan and Vrotslav.
In frame of visit participants attended one of the biggest international exhibitions – MiędzynarodoweTargiPoznańskie.
During exhibition POLEKO in Poznan, they could see hundreds of new products and technologies in modern solutions of environmental protection and municipal service, watch demonstrations of municipal services` equipment, visit more than 50 specialized conferences, master-classes, number of international business meetings.
Besides, resident of the incubator - «Zameten», that produces elegant reflective gadgets, had an opportunity to organize additional meetings with representatives of police in Vrotslav. They discussed development of the reflective gadgets` market and ways of this product popularization. Also participants visited business-incubator in Vrotslav AkademickieInkubatoryPrzedsiębiorczościWrocław  (AIP), where they had opportunity to receive experience in supporting business-plans in Poland, as example they had local net incubator.
17-24 of November the second studying visit to Poland was held for “Ogorodik”, “Energy house” and “Enegrokhata”. Participants had very exciting program in Katowice, Krakow, Lublin, Poznan and Warsaw. During this visit they had meetings with energy auditors, energy companies, companies that make thermo modernization of buildings and reduce energy consumption at the sites.  Participants of the visit received new view on the market of energy reducing. By visiting of energy exhibition “Energetics 2014 in Lublin, they received an opportunity to see new equipment for energy measurement that is not used in Ukraine yet. All participants received new vision of their business` development in Ukraine because Ukraine repeats the way of Poland in energy reducing with a delay of 15 years.
More detailed information about business-incubator`s activity you can find on web-site:  

The Project is co-founded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland  Republic in frame of Poland Foreign Support Program in 2013-2014.